Is Christian Economics an Oxymoron?

If you listen to me on the True Money Show, then you are aware that the second, grand purpose of my show is to advocate for a just and sound monetary system to replace the dishonest one that we currently have.  Just what, exactly, would that look like? Well, yesterday, my guest, John Sharpe, and (Continued)

Goodbye Cruel World…Not!

When telling jokes one ought not lead with the punchline. Though I am not telling a joke, I will lead with the conclusion: It is impossible to escape the trials and tribulations of life and the more that we try to do so, the less we understand life itself…or the Giver of Life. On my (Continued)

A Greek Peek Into The Future

There are lessons to be learned from the “Greek crisis”, but you will be hard-pressed to find them in the mainstream media.  Yes, the media pundits will blather on about how a sovereign default will hurt our economy and stock market, but what solutions do they offer to either Greece or to Mr. Smith in (Continued)

The Next Average Joe?

One of the things I love about my business (and clients) is that it has become a clearinghouse of sorts for great ideas.  I have been graced with being a conduit of information between my family of clients, passing along information and experience that is helpful to us all.  People helping people to succeed. How (Continued)

The Next Anything!

How would you like to feel better, make money, help the economy and sleep better at night?  Think this is impossible?  Expecting a sleazy sales pitch?  Well, it is possible and it does not require you to buy anything.  However, you will have to exert some effort. So what is this wonderment that can accomplish (Continued)

From Jerusalem to Jericho: A Personal Review of Samaritan Ministries

In August of last year, I left health insurance behind and joined the ranks of the uninsured.  Well, sort of, but I will get to that in a minute. Yes, I decided to go without COVERAGE.  I left the holy mount of Jerusalem (healthcare benefits) and went down to the lowly town of Jericho (a (Continued)

The Fat Lady Has A Name

What do you call a man trying to sell ice to Eskimos?  “Unemployed”, of course! What do you call a man trying to sell debt to debtors?  That would be: “Mr. President.” In his own words: Let’s do more to help Americans save for retirement. Today, most workers don’t have a pension. A Social Security (Continued)

A Simple Recipe for Wealth and Freedom

It is always dangerous to quote someone since one is likely to get labeled with the same calumnies that are heaped upon the principal author.  This is even more the case when one quotes G. K. Chesterton, a writer whose incisive views and powerful reasoning always cause distress (or rapturous joy) in the reader. Chesterton, (Continued)