Is Christian Economics an Oxymoron?

If you listen to me on the True Money Show, then you are aware that the second, grand purpose of my show is to advocate for a just and sound monetary system to replace the dishonest one that we currently have.  Just what, exactly, would that look like? Well, yesterday, my guest, John Sharpe, and (Continued)

Goodbye Cruel World…Not!

When telling jokes one ought not lead with the punchline. Though I am not telling a joke, I will lead with the conclusion: It is impossible to escape the trials and tribulations of life and the more that we try to do so, the less we understand life itself…or the Giver of Life. On my (Continued)

A Greek Peek Into The Future

There are lessons to be learned from the “Greek crisis”, but you will be hard-pressed to find them in the mainstream media.  Yes, the media pundits will blather on about how a sovereign default will hurt our economy and stock market, but what solutions do they offer to either Greece or to Mr. Smith in (Continued)

From Jerusalem to Jericho: A Personal Review of Samaritan Ministries

In August of last year, I left health insurance behind and joined the ranks of the uninsured.  Well, sort of, but I will get to that in a minute. Yes, I decided to go without COVERAGE.  I left the holy mount of Jerusalem (healthcare benefits) and went down to the lowly town of Jericho (a (Continued)

An Asset for the Keeping…and Nurturing!

Recently, a money manager that I otherwise greatly respect, said this rather despairing, if not delusional, statement: “Ultimately, there may be no such thing as a safe asset anymore and investors may want to take a diversified approach to something as mundane as cash.” [Emphasis added] The Rising Dollar Myth by Axel Merk. I know (Continued)

The State of Corruption

I apologize ahead of time for this somewhat “downer” blog, but today, I am fighting with my own industry and product providers about a new “interpretation of the rules” that could have deleterious effects on my clients.  If we continue to allow the “rules of today” to mean something different tomorrow, then we will soon (Continued)

The Gift of Giving

Last year I attempted to examine the real reason for the “commercialization” of Christmas.  Today I am going to consider the act of giving and why such a thing makes us happy. If you plumb the depths of any action or profession, you will always find a great paradox (or several of them) that seems (Continued)

Is Wealth A Blessing, A Curse Or A Sin?

     Recently a client (and good friend) posed a question to me after hearing a sermon preached on the gospel story of the rich, young man, where Christ tells this man to “go, sell what you have and come follow me.”  One of my friend’s questions was this: Am I not supposed to save, but (Continued)