A Greek Peek Into The Future

There are lessons to be learned from the “Greek crisis”, but you will be hard-pressed to find them in the mainstream media.  Yes, the media pundits will blather on about how a sovereign default will hurt our economy and stock market, but what solutions do they offer to either Greece or to Mr. Smith in (Continued)

Ripped Off…Royally!

In a recent USA Today article entitled “Cash is King for ex-CEO of Pimco,” we are told that the former CEO of PIMCO, Mohammed El-Erian, is “keeping most of his money…in an unusual place – cash.”  El-Erian explains, “That’s not great, given that it gets eaten up by inflation.  But I think most asset prices (Continued)

Bubble-Gum Face and Other Inflation Tragedies

So many of us have done it. Eight years old, half a mouth full of bubble gum and our friend challenges us to a bubble blowing contest: Biggest bubble wins. So there we go, blowing harder and bigger until that bubble is double the size of our head. But still not satisfied, we try that (Continued)