Bubble-Gum Face and Other Inflation Tragedies

So many of us have done it. Eight years old, half a mouth full of bubble gum and our friend challenges us to a bubble blowing contest: Biggest bubble wins. So there we go, blowing harder and bigger until that bubble is double the size of our head. But still not satisfied, we try that (Continued)

Operation Twist…and Shout?

Killing the American economy has proven quite difficult for the liberals, but that hasn’t stopped them from trying. And trying some more! Now it appears that their moronic policies are even threatening what I have described before as “the best place to store money.” This week Reuters ran an article about the dangers of Operation (Continued)

A False "Debt-chotomy" And What To Do About It

I hear a lot of financial advisors recommending to their clients to get out of debt. In years past, though it has been a while, I heard another set of advisors heartily recommending the strategic use of leverage. Apparently the “debt” word had become so distasteful to the general public that the pundits had to (Continued)

When It Pays To Hire A Financial Advisor…And The Good They Do

Recently in a piece written for Morningstar.com, Christine Benz had this to say about “When It Pays to Hire A Financial Professional”: Paying a financial planner an ongoing fee to handle every aspect of your financial plan can make sense if you’re extremely time-pressed or if your finances are particularly complicated. Ditto if you’re very (Continued)